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Post Graduation

 Post Graduation The past week has been one of the best weeks of the semester. Two weeks ago I interview for an Emergency Management Agency position at Warren County. During the virtual interview, I felt that the interview went well but as soon as the interview ended I realized all the mistakes I made. I forgot to mention some of the experiences I wanted to mention, I had trouble getting the video started, and just felt like I could have presented a stronger case. With all of this I felt like I would not be offered the position and had to play the waiting game until I heard back. Fortunately, I received a phone call last Wednesday with an offer to accept the position! This definitely gave me a sense of relief as I am moving back home at the end of this week and did not have an official job opportunity lined up. With this out of the way, I was able to take my trip to Florida with a relaxed mindset.  My first trip to Florida was a great time! We spent time socially-distanced at ...

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